
델라 리즈의 영혼의 목소리-The Classic Della.

두부장수종치네 2006. 4. 27. 01:16

"델라 리즈"의 영혼의 목소리-The Classic Della.

The Classic Della

[Softly My Love외에는 음원상태가 불량-클릭해서사용]

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Tchaikovsky - Symphony No.6 비창 - 1악장
The story of a starry night

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Ketelbey - In a Persian Market
Take My Heart

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Schubert 연가곡 백조의 노래중

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Chopin - Etude in E Op 10-3
Softly My Love

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Puccini - La Boheme, Quando men vo(Musetta's 왈츠)
Don't You Know

Della Reese

(The story of a starry night)

This is the story of a starry night the faded glory of a new delight. one breathless meeting. Two lips repeating three precious words that were sweet but fleeting. When stars are bright, my heart keeps wondering why, Our first good-night, became our last good-bye. I pray that some day. Love will in some way bring back the story of a starry night.